Monday, June 28, 2010

More Worlds 2010 Pre-Tourney Hype

It's 1-0 Netherlands over Slovakia at the half. It's the World Cup and these sports teams are here to represent their nation. We can learn a little bit about a country just by watching a few soccer games.

Everything I know about the world, however, comes from ultimate.

A team from Bratislava, the Slovak capital, came to Paganello one year. I got to play against them, talk with their captain, find out a little bit about the split of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. For instance, Vaclev Havel, president of the time and internationally known as one of our generations' more remarkable 'philosopher-kings' was against the split. Prague and the West had more capital and prestige, perhaps, but the Slovakian side wanted to do it and so it was done.

The Slovaks were nice people and it was great to play against a team from what was then a brand-new country. And the Czech team at Paga always had the girls hitting the guys with a bundle of pussy-willow sticks so that they would stop jerking around and come around to fertilizing already. A typical Easter tradition in Prague, of course.

The Netherlands, well, we know Red Lights of course, and the Dutch women's team that made the finals of Paga one year was extraordinarily tall. This means something. Or maybe nothing.

Sure Brazil has a great team but their ultimate scene is dicey at best. Not nearly as large or cohesive as Venezuela and Colombia. Is there a connection? Can a country be good in both sports?

But I digress. We need to hype hype hype the tournament because if it isn't talked about, then WUCC 2010 will have never happened.

With exception, of course, to the 130+ teams in attendance. Which is sort of the point of ultimate sometimes, isn't it? It's for the players. And if you're reading this, chances are you are a player yourself.

So then -- tune in to watch live after catching up on your reading at the main website.

Live broadcasts on July 4, 5, 6, 8 9 & 10. Check it out, hype or not, and whether or not you know the teams playing. Because maybe by watching you just might pick up on a few new things.


  1. Excited to read the WUCC blog and of course the newsletter. Hopefully there will be a paper version for those of us there. I hope there's also the video podcast idiots BlockStack TV ( covering the event in their usual unorthodox way. All good. See you there!

  2. hey Tom i put a link to Blockstack on the links section I just created. I'll bring my Panama Hat to join you on special occasion.
